New Life

There is new life at one of the local eagle nests overlooking the Hudson River. More branches are obscuring the view this year. This was mid morning and although there was sunlight there was also harsh shadows. As a photographer you secretly wish the people who own the land would trim the neighbouring trees when the eagles are not around in the fall, but you know that would not happen.

Evidently there are two eaglets in the nest this year. I only saw one pop their head up at this nest. This is farthest up it popped.
One of the parents. They were feeding the babies something, but I could not tell what it was. It flew off and returned.

Other eagle’s and hawk’s nests did not survive the high winds we received with storms this winter and early spring. This nest has stood the test of time. Is this eagle a master builder?

10 thoughts on “New Life”

  1. At least you are able to be in a position to photograph them in their nests. Plus, where would be the challenge if it were too easy to get such wonderful images. Then everyone would be doing it. Although, if you set up a spotting scope and put a cellphone attachment on it, you could charge folk fore taking photos and make a little cash? jerry


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